Click on a ticket type for more information.

Below are the ticket types available under the Enter Tickets feature.


Used if the excavator is requesting a start date and time that gives 2 or more business days' notice of excavation.


Used if the request involves danger to life, health or property and the crew will be doing the repairs the same day, or a situation in which the public need for uninterrupted service or immediate reestablishment of service compels immediate action.


Used when the excavator has either cut, nicked, damaged or exposed a utility line, or if a line has been exposed due to erosion or other causes. The work site information should describe the specific location where the line was damaged and/or discovered, not where work was originally taking place. If available, search for your previous ticket number under Find Tickets, then select Report a DigUp.


Used if the excavator is requesting a start date and time that gives less than 2 business days' notice of excavation.


Used if no immediate excavation will be taking place. The designer needs to know where the lines are so they can design their work around where the lines are buried. This ticket does not cover any excavation and does not relieve the excavator from calling in before actual excavation begins.

Below are the ticket types available under the Find Tickets feature.


Used if the excavator needs the markings refreshed on an ongoing job and/or wants to keep the ticket active in the system.

Select Update to extend the life of an existing ticket. (Some utilities may not send a locator to remark the work area based on this option.)

Select Update and Remark to extend the life of an existing ticket and request that the work location be re-marked.

No Response

Used if one or more utility companies have not responded to mark their lines.


Reasons for cancelling a ticket might include, but are not limited to:

  • Work no longer taking place
  • Incorrect information on the ticket
  • A duplicate ticket has already been processed
Report a DigUp

Used when the excavator references an existing ticket number while reporting that a utility line was either cut, nicked, damaged or exposed, or if a line has been exposed due to erosion or other causes. The work site information should describe the specific location where the line was damaged and/or discovered, not where work was originally taking place.